
Showing posts from July, 2017

Editting Photos

If you wanna see my work here's my "website" link , my "deviantart" account     We all know how hard it's to get a good shoot of your painting or drawings, especially if you don't have the resources to get a good camera. I use adobe Photoshop cs4 portable version to edit my photos to make it match my real painting or drawing 'cause I don't have a DSLR camera yet ( the perfect camera to high quality photos, especially if you want to sell prints ). For those of you who don't know what to use, try it, it's easy ( most of the tools you will need are in the "edit" and "image" menus ), the portable version is not big and doesn't need installation and like me you don't have to be Photoshop pro to use it to edit your photos. If you want me to make a video in the future showing you how I edit my photos, please let me know, ...

Quick landscape oil painting

For more of my work here's my "website" link     my "deviantart" account This is a very quick oil painting I made last year on a homemade canvas. I bought some oil paints, they were really bad to paint a full painting with them and I didn't want to just through them so I made some quick painting with them.

10 minute acrylic painting challenge (2) - study

For more of my work here's my "website" link     my "deviantart" account . This is the second acrylic 10 minute painting challenge on YouTube done in 2016. I liked the idea and I wanted to give it a try. I ended up doing three of them I'll share the rest with you soon. Do you like the 10 minute challenge idea? Should I do my original ones? Please let me know your opinion in the comments, I'll really appreciate it, thank you all.

10 minute painting challenge (1) - study

For more of my work here's my "website" link     my "deviantart" account This was a 10 minute painting challenge on YouTube. I liked the idea and i wanted to give it a try. I ended up doing three of them I'll share the rest with you soon. Do you like the 10 minute challenge idea? Should I do my original ones? Please let me know your opinion in the comments, i'll really appreciate it, thank you.

oil painting portrait

For more of my work here's  my "website" link ,  my "deviantart" account . This is my first portrait in oils on a 50 × 30 phoenix canvas. My goal was to try oil skin blending and layering, colors wasn't my goal yet. I only used black(mixed) and titanium white, and I mixed them to get the different grey tones. I finished this piece at the end of 2016 with only two layers and it took me about three days to finish.